Two sleeps on Celtic Song and everyone seems to have found their rhythm. Two hour watches and duties assigned. Meal prep and clean-up occur fairly effortlessly. The stress of everyday life is beginning to fade. The sea is an obvious prescription for our crew, five like-minded people, leaving their jobs, family and friends behind to live our dream, find adventure, solitude and possibly peace of mind...that RESET button that is a rarity.
All the beauty that nature has to offer surrounds us, encapsulates our 40ft vessel, as we surf up and down the 8ft swells (although last night was substantially larger and rockier)...still no complaints! The moon and stars show their brilliance, not to be outdone the sun rises and spectacularly a new day dawns. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 1025 first sighting of land, Cedros Island. We should reach our first stop at Turtle Bay around 2300. This is where we will meet up with all the other boats and crew to enjoy activities before our next leg. While I contemplate everything that has occurred to bring me to this place in time, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. So many things could have been different, some people might think they should have been different, but as this past year has brought about a multitude of changes that could have broke me, I found my sanity in sailing. When everything else fell apart, I never gave up on my dream to sail around the world...the dream just got a makeover. For a few of us this is the longest offshore passage to date. For me this will be the beginning of many more to come. Fair winds! May all your days be graced with spectacular sunsets and brilliant sunrises. On that note it is warm and I am off to take my turn at showering on deck...Shelly
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